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PM Results offers recruitment of a broad range of medical specialties for all kinds of market research projects. Our comprehensive databank includes diverse medical specialties, pharmacists and medical assistants from all parts of Germany, Switzerland and Austria. We are also happy to recruit from your list of addresses. 

Reliability can be measured: 98% show rate
Thanks to established processes, we achieve a higher show rate than the industry average. This is easy on the nerves and easy on your budget as you can save costs for over-recruits.

You can count on us – the Flat Fee
Irrespective of specialty or research method, PM Results charges a flat fee per (showing) respondent, which results in maximum cost transparency for your calculation – even before the project begins.

You do the research – we care for the rest
Apart from recruitment, we support you – free-of-charge - in the selection of appropriate facilities. We also transfer the respondents’ enumeration. As a result, you can focus on the essence.